Ashton and I have decided to add more veggies (and less sugar and fried food) to our diet so we now try to eat salads for dinner 3-4 times a week.
At first I was bummed about this decision but I now enjoy coming up with clever salad combos. I have made seafood lettuce wraps and fun taco salads along with summertime pea salad and more traditional chicken cobb salad. But this time I decided to go way out of the box and use a favorite steak house combo of mine: roast beef and horseradish! I added spinach, hearty roasted veggies and crunchy onions and low and behold I had a delicious roast beef salad! I can’t wait to share my next salad night creation with you! Remember: salad night doesn’t have to be boring 🙂
Roast Beef Spinach Salad with Roasted Veggies and Horseradish Dressing
Makes 2 large or 4 smaller entree salads
- 1/2 lb thin sliced roast beef preferably rare
- 14.5 ounce can beef broth
- 2 cups fresh spinach
- 6 baby bella/cremini mushrooms
- 1/3 red onion sliced thin
- 4 small red potatoes quartered
- bunch of asparagus
- 1 cup sour cream
- 1-2 tbsp fresh horseradish
- 2 tsp white wine vinegar
- olive oil
- sea salt/cracked black pepper
- Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
- Chop and discard tough asparagus ends and quarter the potatoes.
- Toss on a baking sheet with olive oil and season heavily with salt and pepper.
- Roast in the oven until fork tender, about 20-25 minutes, tossing half way through.
- In a small bowl, mix sour cream, horseradish, and white wine vinegar. Season with salt and pepper. Taste and add more horseradish if you want it spicier. Set aside.
- Meanwhile, heat a tbsp of olive oil in a skillet over medium.
- Slice mushrooms in half and add to skillet.
- Sauté until browned and soft, adding more oil if needed. Season with salt and pepper.
- I prefer to leave my onions raw for crunch and a nice bite so I simply slice the onion thin.
- Heat broth over low in a saucepan.
- Add roast beef a minute or two before plating to warm and add some additional flavor.
- To plate add spinach to the bottom of the plate. Top with raw red onion slices. Place roasted asparagus and potatoes along the sides of the plate along with sauteed mushrooms. Add warm roast beef in the center. Spread the creamy dressing on top of the beef and serve!
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For The Love of Food Blog
I love roast veggies! Check out my roasting tips: here
Here I simply roasted asparagus and quartered red potatoes
tossed with olive oil and salt and pepper.
I’m a huge fan of horseradish sauce so I thought why not add it to a salad?
This dressing is thick and creamy and perfectly compliments the roast beef and veggies.
I cut the mushrooms in half so they keep their texture and size on the salad.
I usually use sweet yellow onion in most of my recipes but I decided to use raw red onion for this dish. It adds a nice crunch and a delicious “oniony” bite!
Warm the roast beef in beef broth over low. This also adds more flavor and makes it tender and juicy!
I make sure to buy good quality Angus Roast Beef that is thin cut and rare.
Plate the salad with spinach topped with onions. Then add veggies and roast beef.
The benefits of eating beef is plentiful. Meat which includes red meat category, has a plentiful nutrient content yanag. But red meat is not necessarily free from risks.
Just like other cara membuat rawon foods, red meat every day, especially beef is not recommended. Moreover, if we consume excessive portion, Risk seperto cholesterol, high blood pressure and stroke always haunt.
However, although there resep biji salak are risks, we do not avoid beef. Provided that what we eat tailored to the needs of the body. Moreover, the processed beef is many kinds, such as burgers, sausages, or nuggets.
The risk of eating beef will increase along with its processing is not suitable, such as excessive roasting, to have this desired color. Due resep tahu telur to the higher karsiogenik substances, which cause cancer growth.
Here are some of the risks of excessive consumption of beef which we quoted from Boldsky:
1. Alzheimer's
Mereah meats such as beef, rich cara membuat martabak telor in iron, and a very good moment of growth. However, researchers believe that if the protein of beef, named Tau and beta-amyloidal, which accumulated can affect the performance of the brain, and interfere with brain cells that can lead to Alzheimer's.
2. Cardiovascular Disease
Red meat can not be separated from high cholesterol and fat, can lead to high risk of cardiovascular resep lasagna panggang disease, which is a blockage in the blood salurah. But do not be afraid, as long as we are healthy digestion, digestive tract bacteria will break down fat and cholesterol than beef, which is named Carnite.
3. The risk of colon cancer
Many studies have shown a high risk for those who frequently consume red meat, for developing colon cancer, it can also be due to lack of fiber consumption.
4. Diabetes Type 2
Berlebian beef consumption will increase the risk diabets, about 50 percent. Therefore, we do not letagihan to eat beef.
5. Processing is
Many food manufacturers are fraudulent in the processing of beef, they sometimes label their products with a composition of 100% beef, but many mix that we do not want in it. So avoid eating processed beef.
6. Obesity
This is the "disease" most suffered by the global community today. The beef is high in fat, it is very popular, especially children, and sometimes parents late when children affected by obesity, and it is difficult to prevent