This post was sponsored by Nabisco as part of an Integrated Activation for Influence Central and all opinions expressed in my post are my own.
Fall is here and my kiddos and I are having a blast in our new state, Texas.
As a Mom with always moving, fast growing, constantly snacking kids I try to have fun activities planned for us and, of course, tasty snacks to bring along too!

My daughters’ newest craft obsession is decorating rocks and hiding them in town. This activity is fun for both kids and adults and is becoming popular all over! Some call them Kindness Rocks others call them simply Painted Rocks. You can decorate them any way you’d like and hid them just about anywhere in town. There are even local websites in most towns now where you can post pictures of your rocks and give clues so people can go on rock hunts! When they find yours they can keep them or rehide.

It really is a blast and we have now hidden and found rocks in Louisiana, Florida, and Texas! Today I am sharing with you some of our creative painted rock designs and decorating tips to inspire your little ones to join in the fun along with our favorite on the go snack to pack: TEDDY SOFT BAKED Filled Snacks!

My daughters’ newest craft obsession is decorating rocks and hiding them in town. This activity is fun for both kids and adults and is becoming popular all over! Some call them Kindness Rocks others call them simply Painted Rocks. You can decorate them any way you’d like and hid them just about anywhere in town. There are even local websites in most towns now where you can post pictures of your rocks and give clues so people can go on rock hunts! When they find yours they can keep them or rehide.

It really is a blast and we have now hidden and found rocks in Louisiana, Florida, and Texas! Today I am sharing with you some of our creative painted rock designs and decorating tips to inspire your little ones to join in the fun along with our favorite on the go snack to pack: TEDDY SOFT BAKED Filled Snacks!
These soft and tasty snacks are available at Walmart in the cookie aisle and my girls love them!
They are cute bear shaped snacks that are individually packaged and hold up well to the heat so they are ideal for park play dates, picnics, car rides, and the beach!

Ava likes the vanilla filled and sister Stella likes chocolate!

I love that they are made with quality ingredients such as milk, eggs and {my fave}chocolate and they contain no high fructose corn syrup, no artificial flavors and no artificial colors!
TEDDY SOFT BAKED Filled Snacks are Mom and Kid Approved!
Connect with TEDDY SOFT BAKED Filled Snacks!
Find TEDDY SOFT BAKED Filled Snacks at Walmart:
Find TEDDY SOFT BAKED Filled Snacks at Walmart:

Enter To Win!
Prize: 12 prizes ($50 Walmart gift card each) and two grand prizes ($200 Walmart gift card each)
Dates: September 11- 29th, 2017
I-C will randomly select 14 winners from all program entries and will facilitate fulfillment of the winning prizes.

Ava and her Daddy are both such talented artists and this is an activity they love to do together.
You can buy bags of these black or white rocks for around $8 at Lowes or Home Depot.
I like to use multi colored Sharpie markers, paint pens and acrylic paint to decorate my rocks.
I think the markers are easier for kids and fun to draw with too.
Ashton likes making little designs with paint pens.
Just be sure to use a table cover and have wipes handy for messes!
We have also brought rocks to local paint studios {Yay! No mess at home}
and used their paint and supplies.
Another tip: be sure to use a spray sealant like above and let dry completely.
This helps the rocks stay colored and bright outside in the sun and rain.
Be careful and don’t spray too thick- some marker colors can run.
Now the super fun part- hiding our rocks!
Make sure to find out your city or rock group’s local rules before hiding. Some state parks and businesses do not want rocks hidden in their buildings and property. A good rule of thumb is to not hide them too well – you don’t want a lawn mower running them over or {gasp!} for them to never be found! We like to hide our rocks in city parks, playgrounds, book nooks, libraries, malls, and benches.
It’s such an awesome feeling when someone shares a picture of your rock online or to leave a happy quote rock in a special place to cheer someone up. I love that my daughters’, husband, and I can enjoy this fun activity together too!

Now let’s share some fun design ideas you and yuor kids can paint at home.
There are never-ending ideas on what to paint but I tried to give my kids simple, colorful designs inspired by animals, holidays, and food!
Stella and Ava love emojis so we painted one and left it on a swing for someone to find.
More emoji fun along with simple quotes and colorful clouds and candy.
Ashton designed these two superhero rocks.
I love how our fruit and veggie rocks turned out!
Unicorns are almost too adorable to give away!
Monsters are simple and make my kiddos giggle!
Who doesn’t love minions?
Animals and bugs are always a hit!
Hope this post has inspired you to paint some rocks and try a new snack!
With the weather cooling down now it is perfect for hiding and finding rocks outside at your local parks!

Our latest rocks, hidden at a local park. Comment below and tell me about your favorite family activity and be sure to share if you’ve tried new TEDDY SOFT BAKED Filled Snacks from Wal-Mart!

My Florida girls love the beach, sunshine, and their favorite snack: TEDDY SOFT BAKED Filled Snacks!
These rocks are so cute! I love what they stand for, this is something I would love to do with my kids.
What a perfect and fun craft for kids!
What a fun idea for the little ones…such a cute post!
THese rocks are like my kids favortie things to do ever! Wego hide them at all our local parks and they LOVE it. You have some way cute painted rock ideas here, I will have to show my kiddos!